After a two month hiatus, DocRoc is back at Write Out Loud with a great post about the Little League baseball championships. I've missed her writing so much and it's great to read her again. Let's let her know how much she's been missed!
Dale led me to Zhoen's blog, One Word, and it is a fountain of beautiful writing from a gifted author and sensitive heart; I haven't made it through all the archives yet but I am delighted to find this blog after knowing Zhoen a little bit through her comments.
Maciej, who writes the sporadic but always surprising and often extremely funny Idle Words, lets us know that he has left his computer-programming career and gone back to full-time painting. It woudl be hard to say whether I admire his painting more, or his writing...go decide for yourselves.
Finally, it's wonderful to see that Lisa is writing again at Field Notes. We were colleagues in the early days of the Ecotone Wiki, and I came to admire Lisa's writing as some of the very best writing on place I had ever read, not just on the web. She's been very quiet for a while, and just now has started posting from the city, rather than her retreat at Inverness. It will be exciting to see what she does with a change of place.
Yes, thanks for the links. It's great when people re-appear after periods of absence - not that people aren't entitled to a break, I just miss their place of the circuit.
Posted by: Coup de Vent | August 18, 2005 at 03:36 PM
I am honored. Your own writing has the kind of clean clear style I admire, so I take your comments as high praise indeed. Thank you.
Posted by: zhoen | August 21, 2005 at 06:13 PM