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April 17, 2006


What lovely eggs, Beth - they look like you made them using the traditional Ukrainian method! I remember the first time I read your blog, you had a lovely picture and words about making Finnish coffee bread with cardamom. Sounds like you have had a wonderful Easter getting close to the earth. Best to you!

Happy spring!

Oops... Was I supposed to prune my apple trees? Is it too late? (I wish plants came with instructions...)

No, you don't have to. But if you do want to (J. prunes our flowering crabapple trees for shape, and gets rid of all the upward-facing and rubbing branches) you need to do it in late winter/early spring. So you're off the hook for this year!

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.