Une marche en faveur de la paix au Liban a lieu cet après-midi à Montréal. Des milliers de personnes se sont rassemblées au parc La Fontaine avant le départ pour faire entendre leur voix en faveur d'un cessez-le-feu immédiat et sans condition...Les chefs du Bloc et du Parti québécois, Gilles Duceppe et André Boisclair, les porte-parole de Québec solidaire, Françoise David et Amir Khadir, ainsi que le député du Parti libéral du Canada Denis Coderre sont présents parmi les manifestants.
"A march for peace in Lebanon is taking place this afternoon in Montréal. Thousands of people are assembled at Park Lafontaine before the start to raise their voices in favor of a cease-fire, immediate and without conditions..."
The article goes on to say that the demonstrators are calling on the government of conservative Stephen Harper to once again become internationally neutral, and to disassociate itself from the current foreign policy positions of the United States, inlcuding its unconditional support for Israel. It lists top officials of the Bloc Quebeçois, Parti Quebeçois and the Liberal Party among today's demonstrators. via Radio-Canada.ca
We certainly wish we were there.
(Follow-up report, in English, here.)
Beth, in London about 20,000 people marched on Saturday as well but only a very brief mention of this appeared on TV news.
I wasn't there, unfortunately, as I only heard about the demo when I was on a train going to Brighton for the day.
It seems that the US news media aren't showing what we see over here of the appalling destruction of Lebanon and of course innocent Israelis are suffering too. Events like this makes one wonder whether humanity is ever going to reach a civilized state.
Posted by: Natalie | August 07, 2006 at 07:22 AM