Anglicans Really Alive is the name of the new blog and associated website of a group of progressive Montreal Anglicans. Ostensibly, we're concerned about the future of the church in the light of the current international controversy, but most of us are also interested in the future of religion in general. We want to explore how religion and science can not only co-exist in a post-modern world, but how they can inform and enlarge each other. We're interested in new forms, in dialogue between traditions, in personal spirituality and growth, and in outreach and change.
The blog -- directed by the thoughtful, perceptive and often humorous Very Rev. Michael Pitts, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Montreal -- exists for ongoing discussion; the website will contain continually-updated resources on a variety of topics: Institutional Politics; Sexuality; Peace and Justice; the Environment; Theology and Scripture; a Book List; and a weekly "In the Media" page.
I've helped design and launch the two sites and will be maintaining the website for the time being; we hope that some of you will visit and leave a comment or two; and if any readers would consider linking to us or mentioning the existence of these resources on your blogs or to organizations you belong to, we'd appreciate it a lot. In particular, those of us thinking about and working for change in the Canadian church want very much to interact with people in other parts of the world -- Anglicans, Episcopalians, and those of other denominations and traditions -- we look forward to hearing from you!
I'd certainly check in. Can't say much else at the moment. Most of what orgainised religion does seems depressing to me. It's here to stay, though, and I'm happy when it's being used for good.
Posted by: Jack Ruttan | March 27, 2007 at 07:10 PM
Thanks, Jack. I find much of organized religion pretty depressing too, but since I'm part of one, I'm into trying to help do something positive with it.
Posted by: beth | March 27, 2007 at 07:52 PM
Can you please direct me to a minister in the Eposcopal Church of Montreal who would be willing to marry two previously divorced Americans in their 60? We want so to be married in La Belle Province, but I am having a difficult time locating a progressive minister who would help us with this.
My sincere apologies for using your blog for this. I adored the tenor of the writings.
Bless you.
Jan Sallinger
Posted by: janis Sallinger | April 29, 2007 at 10:40 AM