We didn't make it to church this morning. We glanced, one-eyed, at the clock at 7:30; rolled over and went back to sleep; did it again at 8:45. At 9:30 it was too late. A few minutes later I got up, put on my robe and went out to the kitchen to put the teakettle on and turn up the heat. When I went back to the bedroom a voice from under the duvet asked if it was blue outside. I cracked open the blinds: "Bright. Some new snow."
J. usually gets up first to make his coffee, and brings me a cup of tea with milk in bed; I stay there and meditate for a few minutes, trying to face the day in what are, to me, its worst moments. Last night I'd kept him awake, tossing and turning from pain in my jaw - I've been having a lot of dental work and a temporary bridge has screwed up my bite - finally I got up and took a tylenol and was able to go back to sleep.
I went into the living room and turned on the radio: it was the Rachmaninoff Vespers. Perfect. Back in the kitchen I poured the water over the coffee grounds in the French press, made myself some green tea for a change, put two brioches du carème - lit, Lent brioches, or hot cross buns - into the toaster oven, prepared a basket-tray with a red plate for the buns, a small bowl of clementines and strawberries. The deep bass voices filled the apartment with Russian that sounded like smell of the coffee. I picked up the tray and walked carefully back into the bedroom: Good morning, I said. He rolled over with only a small groan, and smiled.
My church has a 9:00 and an 11:15 service... if I aim for the one at 9, I almost always make it to the 11:15.
Sounds like a lovely morning.
Posted by: Kat | March 18, 2007 at 04:09 PM
How lovely and romantic (except for the sore mouth)!
Posted by: marja-leena | March 18, 2007 at 10:10 PM
The first moments of waking up, especially if it's early, are difficult. But then the half hour that follows is, for me, the best part of the day. The drowsiness is quelled, and there's all that daylight outside, which even a lifetime wouldn't be sufficient to consume.
Posted by: Teju | March 19, 2007 at 10:17 AM
Reads like Haiku!
Posted by: Uma Gowrishankar | March 23, 2007 at 01:11 AM