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April 22, 2007


I'm a firm believer in the spiritual and physical restorative powers of gardening! I'm so glad spring finally arrived and that you are feeling so much better, Beth! Our days here have been getting drier and warmer and the gardens are glorious, my favourite season.

Lovely, and beautifully described, Beth.

I spent all yesterday afternoon in the park. The cherry trees had all developed "wardrobe malfunction" and their thousands of pinkish white buds spilled out. I contemplated a calm symmetrical oak waiting its turn. Many friends came by, including E. (from Verbal Privilege). The park was full of people: softball players, couples (who were not unaffected by earth's urges), solitaries with books, the baby brigade. A father was playing ball with his four-year-old and kept calling out to her, "Anna! Anna!" My wife lay close by reading "Anna Karenina."

At one point, I was flat on my back looking straight up at the bowl of the sky. The sounds of the human world fell away from me at all sides. The sky was powder-blue, depthless, with a feathery wisp of the new moon visible, and a silent contrail coming off it like a tangent.

Well, the first thing I really did once I got off the plane from Colorado Springs yesterday was get out and dig -- mostly to take advantage of the softened earth from the rain we got while we were away, but Oh how much better I felt afterwards. And during.

It rained most of the day here in NW Iowa. After mass we went to a Mexican restaurant that has recently changed hands. I had been thinking about ordering the shrimp coctail but since it was cloudy and rainy that did not seem right. So I ordered a large steaming bowl of barbacoa made with beef and chile pasilla. My wife ordered the bionic soup(full of beef, tongue, cheek and brains). When the rain stopped in the evening we went for a nice long walk. Lots of kids in the park. It was as if they were trying to make up for the time that they lost due to the rain.

I second Marja-Leena's comments, having spent the weekend lost in my own garden here in France. It is like a botanical-booster and a foliage-fillip, n'est-ce pas?

I am so happy it is spring.

Beth, hope you don't mind if I comment on a comment! I looked up "tangent", used at the end of Teju's comment.. It's a touch!

Yeah, everyone in the Northeast here seems to have had a nice weekend and still cheerful today. After all that cold and gloom, finally spring. Whether gardening or just getting outside and enjoying the sunshine, it's been very welcome.


What a wonderful number of things to see in a few days. Nature can be so uplifting and renewing. Spring.

I'm so glad.

I feel better just reading this and looking into that sunset light. Good stuff, even better to actually be there, I'm sure.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.