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April 26, 2007


aha. I feel foul of that same mistake several times on bsuiness trips to the USA when I would merrily leap out of lifts on the wrong floor and then spend ten minutes wandering around lost

I guess the first floor is, well, the first floor and the next one is 'upstairs'

n'est-ce pas?

(lovely picture, couldn't you just eat those buds???)

Lovely photo, and yes, I remember spring being like that on the prairies. It seemed to last about a week, between coldest winter and hot summer, though that was usually in May.

Now that's a great story, which I bet will be told many times! I do wonder about that thief though, his employer should be notified.

very amusing, thank-you!

Great story!

Ha! Great little ten minute movie.

I like the image of J., up at five with furrowed brow, determined to solve this thing once and for all.

What a great story and well-told.

And, Beth, thanks.

An excellent mystery. Of course, we all expect Le Devoir's paperboy to reappear at a crucial moment in some future post. I'm already making up stories about him, but would rather hear yours.

What a story! I'd like to give an alternate interpretation of Le Devoir paperboy's theft. Let's continue to assume he's francophone - perhaps he's learning English now and wants to practice with the English paper, but as a paperboy doesn't want to spend his own cash on the copy. I could see my cousin doing this!

Wonderful story -- thanks for sharing it!

You didn't confront the paperboy, or call Le Devoir?

Maybe he just thinks it's a better paper than his! ;-)

I'm confused about the "floor" story though: in Quebec, we almost always say "first floor" (premier étage) when we live on the rez-de-chaussée (or ground floor). It confuses French people (from France) since for them, the "premier étage" is the first floor up, above the rez-de-chaussée. So I'm not sure I understand why the Gazette people got confused? They had a person from France working the customer service phoneline? Or maybe it's just too early in the morning for me as I'm reading this...

Thanks, everyone, for the comments...

Nicole, that is very charitable! I will consider it as a possibility!

Martine, it beats me! Today the paper was delivered at about 4:00 am by a young girl, working all alone, who waved cheerfully at J. when he went out. No, we haven't called Le Devoir yet - we didn't want to get the paper boy in trouble. J. couldn't get out there in time to confront him - or maybe he didn't have enough clothes on that morning!

Ha ha! That would have been quite the "early bird" scene! ;-)

What a great story! (Of course, newspaper troubles are always a bit disorienting, given that they often happen when you're staggering around pre-breakfast, hoping to begin the usual morning ritual of paper and food...)

That story is *so* Montreal. :-)

Oh god, i am used to this delivery problem...Somebody was also stolen my Presse or sometimes my Journal de Montréal, depends. So the delivery person throw the two paper onto my balcony. But sometimes, he's missing it and thow a second one. So when the snow melted, i found some paper on the ground...And sometimes his "lancer" ( sorry i don't have the english word) is so hard and so noisy that i woke up. Dont' why but there is always problem with paper delivery...grrr

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.