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August 03, 2007


Beth, thanks for this. Whenever I find myself thinking that having a failed marriage under my belt means all of my relationships are destined to fail, I like to think of those folks I know who have been happily, successfully married for many years their second time around. You should know that you are at the top of that list of folks I like to think of!

As I think over the things you've listed here, I wonder if sometime you might blog the things you learned from that brief first marriage that ended in divorce. Here you list the things a couple should do...did that first marriage teach you anything you feel couples shouldn't do?

What a lovely and inspiring post, Beth! I feel quite lucky to have had the example of a marriage like you've outlined above as an example to me in my parents. As J and I get closer, I see even more how lucky I was, and how hard they worked! Best to you and your J., and we really should get together for a visit soon. Maybe when it cools down a little?

Lorianne: I currently have an aunt and an uncle that clearly "stay together for the children". This means not working on the marriage but not divorcing. Knowing what the kids (and everybody else...) go through because of that, I would say that this is one thing NOT to do. My parents divorced after 16 years of marriage (I was 11) and I have grown to appreciate they did...

P.-S. Wow, "Lorianne" is a very pretty name...

Beth, thank you. This post is simply inspiring. I am so excited being on this journey with M. My own life has undulated through highs and lows and so will my life with M. I am up for this new life-long adventure together.

A beautiful post. Thank you for this.

How lovely. And how true.

visit your blog on a daily basis via http://redemptionshoes.blogspot.com/

a young couple I know just got married this past weekend. you might enjoy their pics.


Great post! This year we celebrate our 36th anniversary and both of us still feel so lucky to have found each other.

Oh, I like this list. My husband and I have been together since 1978, married since 1984. I think the first item on the list might be the most important one ....

There is no necessity that, long marriages should be one person compromise than other much and passivity. There are lot of couples living together for longtime with much happiness and love like us,I'm carrying the same amount of love for more than 30 years on my wife, and she too...

nice reminders and tidbits of wisdom all around. thanks.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.