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July 16, 2008


Kia ora Beth,
I love the grey scale, both in photos and video. I think it leaves something to the imagination, the colours that become vivid in our minds, and the music is perfect. Well done.

The grey scale gives an interesting interpretation of light. I must admit that I do miss the vibrancy of the colour in this wonderful setting.

Much prefer the reading in conjunction with colour photos. This is a bit pretty but a little dull.

Thanks, Robb, Joyce, Aleppo. Exactly the sorts of reaction I wanted to hear. When the color goes away, what is left? And what are we trying to show/emphasize? If it's the vibrant beauty of the garden, then the color is necessary. If it's a feeling, an emotion, the color may heighten it or obscure it. I was especially interested in the forms of things I saw that day - texture, shape, contrasts - and how motion through that sculptural landscape was provided mainly by the animals and by water. Color didn't have much to do with it. But sometimes when you pare too much away, the effect is simply dull for most people.

Anybody else have a reaction?

Just to clarify: by reading, I meant your audio file in conjunction with the pictures and text. That was excellent; I enjoyed having my pace forcibly slowed.

Here's why gray-scale and music work for me: (I'm astonished at your central perspective, because it was the favorite garden perspectives of Craig C.'s dad, and, therefore, of Craig C., and therefore of yours truly)....Gray-scale means that it lives in memory - Christopher Parkening, my life as a professional violinist (especially in Santa Fe), -40 degree winds in the winter in Montreal, the Botanical Garden, the hidden shade-garden path where Craig said I could meet him again after he was gone. Gray-scale and music are "unitive", at least for me. When I get my passport, I'll be in that teahouse and on that garden path, I can tell you for sure.

Thanks so very much, Beth.


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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.