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June 29, 2010


I got a huge kick out of this. I just wonder how he's able to afford the land?

I love this! And I sitting here saying Yes, Yes, Yes and then I realised that in the grounds of my French home I already have a tiny house....

Is this what they refer to as A Wake-Up Call???

Really adorable little houses. But what would I do with all my lovely furniture?!?

Why wouldn't he be able to afford land? Living in a tiny house doesn't mean he doesn't/couldn't work.

Lovely furniture can be seen as an asset or a liability...

KIm, I was thinking that about ornaments and pictures and then it occured to me that they could be outside, a lovely standing stone, a wood totem pole, wind chimes...
and yes, I liked this views on working hard to buy four walls with a mortgage, rather a Thoreau, isn't it?

These are so charming. I've looked at some of these sites for the past few years too, including a place on Bowen Island near here but couldn't find it this time. For me, they'd make a lovely little summer or ski cabin but I'm too settled in a big house to downsize 'that' much, especially with my claustrophobic tendencies. These would be perfect for a young couple starting out but land costs in this part of Canada are prohibitive.

The whole thing,noble as it may seem,falls apart when you consider this question.Where would you put the books?

John, you'd have an iPad instead of books
or you'd visit the lending library
less dusting and cheaper on the wallet...

Not an I-Pad. A Kindle. I have had one since they first came out and hardly ever read books or newspapers any more. I still like reading magazines, though.

I've started to want one, and it's the books that stop me. Mine aren't on Kindle or in any library within a few hundred miles, and they were hard to get hold of, and I want to be able to read in the old fashioned way.

But the way I started wanting one was, I rented a studio apartment for a month on vacation in a large city, showing up with only a suitcase. I felt so liberated without all my stuff and not having a car, it was very revealing.

I think I shall divide my stuff. If I trade in my small to medium, but normal house for two tiny houses, I will have enough stuff for each house, and I will have two homes. The car will go with the one here, because this area needs a car, and when it wears out some of the stuff in the house here will have worn out, too. I will then rent out this tiny house to someone else and go live on that money in my other one.

I just came up with that plan right now, in response to this post, but it's not half bad! I think I'll do it!

I have been away so i haven't had a chance to respond to Julie.There are people who suffer from bibliomania and i a bibliophile am one.Its been called 'A Gentle Madness'.I wish to be one with Jorge luis Borges who said'I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.' and Thomas Jefferson who said in a letter to John Adams 'I cannot live without books'

I lived in a tiny house cabin on the shores of the Atlantic, on the coast of Uruguay. It was big enough for 2 people, but just barely, with loft space on the tiny second floor, and a galley kitchen downstairs, room enough for 1 small table & 2 chairs, and a bathroom. The landlord built it himself. I wish I had taken more picts of it while I lived in it. It was as functional as it was beautiful.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.