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July 13, 2010


Yes, yes, absolutely. And yes you could spend a lifetime on nothing else. I adore accurate botanical drawings and paintings - one genre where precision does not equate to coldness, but if well done may reinforce the emotional and imaginative impact (not that I don't like more impressionstic or abstracted depictions of plants as well). These are lovely.

I suppose that's why I'm addicted to taking photos of flowers. Are these out of your garden?

Well, there's also the color and the sheer beauty of flowers. I know, me too! Thanks for your comments, Jean and Jan. The pansies are from my garden and the hollyhocks from my neighbor Olivier's.

Oh, so beautifully and freely drawn and coloured, Beth! And I second Jean's thoughts. LIke Jan too, I've become quite addicted to photographing and scanning flowers, especially macro. Strangely, I never did get into drawing or painting them.

I'm enjoying all your drawings here very much, they are just a perfect balance between looseness and control. You don't ever really know something in the way you do after you've drawn it, do you? And it stays with you somehow. Photography is wonderful of course, and photos can be a useful reference, but nothing beats that intense meditation on the subject that sitting in front of it and drawing provides.

What Lucy said. Do you ever work in pastels?

Gor-geosity, Beth!

Gorgeous. I really am enjoying all of your lovely drawings, Beth. Part of what I like, I think, is seeing things through your eyes. The details of the plants, the things you notice when you're out or even watching soccer in your own place, the little things are what make the drawings so compelling. Thanks for sharing them.

I love pen and watercolor, and you do such a fine job of it.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.