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October 28, 2011


"...what for me is the aspect of the subject that I find the most powerful or compelling. It may end up being a surprise, though I'm sure that my subconscious "eye" registered the information already -- the process of drawing becomes a process of simplification, of shedding layers of extraneous information..."

Yes, I absolutely know what you mean! That's always the big task and the challenge. The desire to produce a finished work, a 'good' product (however our own standards define 'good') can get in the way of that more subtle and difficult search for what it is which truly moves and excites us about a subject. For me, your middle drawing is getting closer to that whereas the black one below is perhaps going too fast in trying to reach a conclusion. But I'm sure you'll find your way, Brava!

Interesting as always to see your process, working through struggles and thoughts. Sometimes, in my case I can be hampered by thinking too much and not going with the flow to allow for the surprises, yet process oriented work such as printmaking does force me to think about "how" a lot. Finding that balance seems to a crucial part of some, maybe almost all, kinds of image making. As Natalie said, Brava, these are exciting.

Thanks, Natalie, thanks Marja-Leena. I really appreciate the feedback and your own observations about the process, since you are both much more experienced printmakers than I am. Actually - and Natalie's comment points this put - I'm not sure I'm "there" yet in terms of making this subject into a print. The black and white drawing at the bottom was a fast ink sketch done over a copy of the middle drawing, just to see how it would look in high-contrast. But I think I need to do some large charcoal drawings, or loose sketches in acrylic wash + line, to explore further. That's the plan for next week, anyway!

You know,for just a moment that drawing looked to me like demonstrators holding up signs by the water.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.