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April 05, 2012


Beth. Oh, Beth. This post. From the lovely descriptions of the marble and the process of finding the piece which was meant to be yours, to your description of this man's spirit swimming up from a great depth when someone was willing to look him in the eye and be present to him. And as Good Friday approaches, too. Oh, my heart.

Thank you, Beth. For experiencing this and writing about it so beautifully and sharing it here. There is still and always hope.

The Via Dolorosa of your Holy Week. Thank you for taking me there.

I'm with Rachel, Judy, and Loretta.

Oh Beth. xxxx

To be a witness and to have the gift of making others see and feel it too - this does matter.

To be where & who & when you are meant to be! It is everything we dare wish, Beth, and the skill to catch it in words is frosting on the cake!

Thank you all.


La femme qui sait s'arrêter et qui sait regarder. On a envie de lui dire merci, même si ce mot ne semble pas tout à fait approprié.

Beautiful writing

Many thanks for this, Beth.

Beth, this is wonderful. I burst into tears as well. Your kindness is what salvation is all about.

Very touching. "In that you've done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, you'd done it unto me."

Beautiful, heart-wrenching writing, Beth. I've come back to read this again and try to find words with which to respond. At first I was experiencing your joy over that amazing stone place and finding the red granite (how I wished I could have been there!). Then the sad sad story of that poor man and your deeply kind reaching out to him brought tears to my eyes. An Easter story indeed, thank you.

Beth, so sad, not only the one-eyed man, but out of all those rushing people that no one else stopped to connect with him. You did what they all should have done but for whatever reason, they did not. That's what city-living does to the kindness impulse, which I do believe most people naturally have. I have wept in situations like that too.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.