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June 28, 2012


How interesting to see and read about your part in this exciting collaboration, Beth! I've been following Clive's posts about the development of his art work for the book. They look like woodcuts, like those in some older books such as in eastern Europe, yet inspired by American folk art quilts. The book looks like a work of art, congratulations to all!

Who else would love to see the tiny book you made as a child?

I would, I would!

You're doing a fabulous job, Beth. Marly and Clive are surely thrilled with the care and skill and respect you give to their work - an example of perfect collaboration.

So lovely.

very nice and hey keep making books

Thanks...Andrea and Natalie, I can't remember where I put that little thing! If I find it I'll post some pictures, but as I remember it was cute but not impressive. John: it seems to be inevitable!

Yes, I want to see the tiny book!

And thank you for all your work and care, Beth...

Oh... It's 120 pages long! I'm startled.

And shall thank you in person soon!

Marly, you are more than welcome! As you know, I love the poem very much and want it to have a life out there in the world.

Yes! i want to see the tiny book, too.

Oh, Beth, what a beautiful post this is. I love these glimpses of the process, and of the work-in-progress -- and I can't wait to own Thaliad! I am so glad you are out there doing the work that you do. It is an incalculable gift.

What's up, constantly i used to check web site posts here in the early hours in the daylight, because i enjoy to find out more and more.

We three have made a great team. Look out world!


it's looking beautiful... what a lovely job, it seems a perfect life to put things like this together, thank you for what you do!

Its looking absolutely beautiful Beth. Clive is right you three are making a great team. Will it also be available for us to buy in the UK as well?

You're quite right, Clive!

Thank you so much, Zoe! And thanks for coming over here to take a look. I feel like I "know" you from Clive's blog and from your beautiful maquettes, but I hope one day maybe we'll all meet in person. Yes, I do love doing this kind of work but find I must juggle things in order to find time for my own artwork and writing. I have been a graphic designer for more than 30 years and am glad to have time now to devote to my own work and to projects like Phoenicia, which is mostly a labor of love!

Hi Jacqui, thanks for commenting and coming over, and for the kind words. Yes, the paperback version of the book will be available at Amazon.uk, and the hardcover available directly through the publisher at reasonable shipping cost. The writing is absolutely stunning as well.

Hi Beth, I really enjoyed this post, your love for what you do really shines through and I can see how all the hard work and graft is worth it. The book iis looking so beautiful, I can't wait till it comes out. All the best for the review lists

Phil, thank you so much for visiting, and for your good wishes! We hope to launch Thaliad as well as we can! (Wish I could have been at that maquette-workshop, it looked like a great event!)

How interesting, this glimpse into the process. And what a beautiful post. There is something about it that makes me swoon!
"somehow miraculous and very human" - yes. :)

Love how she looks a little startled to be part woman, part tree, complete with bird on her cheek--

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.