Yes, we've arrived at a definite milestone: ten years of blogging, ten years since that momentous day in 2003 when, dismayed by the invasion of Iraq, and encouraged by my Icelandic friend and neighbor, Helgi, and my husband Jonathan (both more familiar with a new phenomenon, the weblog, than I was) I decided to launch something myself that felt more positive and hopeful.
Good Lord, I had absolutely no idea what it would lead to, or how it would change my life!
Some statistics...The Cassandra Pages was originally on Blogger. In the first 2 years, between March 20, 2003 and April 11, 2005, I wrote 731 posts - almost one a day. There've been 54,456 pageviews to date on that archived blog -- it still gets about 50 a day, almost all of them coming from Google searches.
After moving to TypePad in 2005, I've written 1603 posts, received 10,008 comments, and 541,965 pageviews. Visits are down from their highest point, some years ago, as they are all over the blogosphere; mine average between 180 and 190 per day -- and I'm grateful for every single one.
In the end, I'm not sure statistics mean much, though without the awareness of a steady stream of readers, and the development of relationships with many of them through the comments, email, and my own visits to their blogs, I'm not sure I would have kept this obsessive project (or is it a habit?) going this long.
On the other hand, though, what emerges is a body of work. It isn't conventional, or even graspable, and perhaps will be impermanent, but I know that it is, in fact, THE body of artistic work accomplished in my lifetime which most closely represents me. It's also taught me the most. Once upon a time I wasn't satisfied with that. Now, I am.
For as much as I sometimes have wished to be otherwise, I am not first and foremost a novelist or a painter, a writer of non-fiction books or a photographer or printmaker. I'm a reader, and observer, and an integrator, whose chosen form is the informal essay, illustrated with my own photographs or artwork, and whose perfect medium of expression is the blog. Being a blogger became an intrinsic part of my identity: like someone who works in watercolors or oils, I see the world and my daily life through an intimacy with this medium. It used to feel a bit weird, like constant translating; now it's so normal I don't even think about it, even though I've become a lot more choosy about what to base my posts upon. The change from pure writing to a greater focus on art has simply mirrored what's going on in my own life, too.
I'm a person for whom any artform is incomplete without relationship. This blog has given me that, too, in ways I never expected, and poured richness into my life in the form of friendships, discussions, online groups, collaborative projects from the Ecotone Wiki to qarrtsiluni to Phoenicia Publishing and so many others.
It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that while the world has hurtled toward heightened anxiety, clashing cultures, and greater misunderstanding, my own life, over the past ten years, has done the exact opposite, and continues -- through this medium, friendships, travel, and daily life in a big multicultural city -- to open up more and more. I hope The Cassandra Pages always represents that journey toward greater possibility.
As a celebration of these ten years, my friend T.C. offered to write a few words, and inspired by his kindness I've invited a few of the people who've been blogging companions and/or longterm readers here to contribute short guest posts, which I'll be posting here over the next days. If any of you would like to join the party, you are absolutely invited -- please send me your contribution at cassandra (dot) pages (at) gmail (dot) com. And I'd be especially delighted to hear (either that way or in the comments) from the quiet but faithful readers who seldom or never communicate with me: what I do here is just as much for you as for those whose speak up regularly, and I often have you in mind as I write.
Thanks for being here!
Congratulations, dear Beth, on 10 years of blogging, of thoughtful writing on a wide variety of topics that have always kept me interested and reading. Thanks so much for it and for the friendship that has grown from it! Here's to many more!
Posted by: Marja-Leena | March 20, 2013 at 12:51 AM
Thanks, dear Beth! Yes, quite a ten years. xo
Posted by: Dale Favier | March 20, 2013 at 01:05 AM
Don't worry; this will be concise and - I trust - fall well short of the inelastic boundaries of TypePad's comment machine. You're entitled to the apocalyptic, thumbs-down summary of the past decade - in the tradition of Pepys and Hart Davis/Lyttleton - especially since you offer another (personal) curve which seems to feed positively off the former.
You do not say which subjects draw in the biggest response, which would be interesting given the width of your interests. I have a personal reason for mentioning this. Depressed by the poor response to my views on fifteen movies I recently saw at the local film festival (I was nasty to the Brit film - Quartet - and I think this had a knock-on effect) I put together a provocative list of culinary no-nos and was weariedly pleased to see responses triple. But this, I fear, is manipulative, not in the best spirit of blogging. I must be philosophical and return to my muttons, content myself with the echo from shouting down a well. Refrain from accidie, in fact.
My heart-felt congratulations on your coverage of the water-front. Esp. the musical quay (feeble attempt at a jeu de mots).
Posted by: Roderick Robinson | March 20, 2013 at 03:49 AM
Congratulations and happy birthday. Long may you continue here!
Posted by: Lucy | March 20, 2013 at 05:22 AM
Dear Cassandra-Beth The "happy birthday" title floating above your very sober portrait (which reminds us of your choosing Cassandra for your blog name) captures what always most takes my breath away in your work here, the so-many dimensions you touch in your posts. Sometimes this palimpsest thing comes when one considers a group of posts, and sometimes within a single one. In doing this you are embracing what our life as humans really is, and practicing what is, even if not recognized by the world as such, undeniably a high art!
Posted by: Vivian | March 20, 2013 at 08:25 AM
Happy 10th!
Posted by: Lilian Nattel | March 20, 2013 at 09:05 AM
Oh, happy birthday indeed! Though I'm afraid I've become one of the quiet non-commenters, this is reliably one of my favorite stops in the day. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and commitment, and for sharing with us so much, so often.
Posted by: Kat | March 20, 2013 at 09:52 AM
As someone who I think has read all your posts (or close to all) and never commented your tenth birthday seems like a great time to stop lurking. I am the lucky one who shares your life but in many ways your blog has been an added dimension (in many realms!), and one that has only made us closer.
With love and happy b-day, J
Posted by: Jonathan | March 20, 2013 at 10:06 AM
Happy tenth blogiversary!
It's extraordinary to recognize, again, just how much this medium has brought to my life -- so many ideas, conversations, images -- so many relationships, some of which have become as deep and meaningful as any of the most important relationships in my life. I'm so glad to know you, so glad our blogs brought us into contact, so glad you are still blogging!
Posted by: Rachel Barenblat | March 20, 2013 at 10:09 AM
Congratulations on ten years! I frequently struggle with the question of what "counts" as writing, or as one's "work." I think it's easy to see book-writing as "real" and blog-writing as mere twaddle...unless, of course, you know how much work (real work!) goes into a good blog post.
Ten years of doing anything faithfully, and at a consistently high level, surely "counts" for something. Let the trends and fads come and go, and long live Cassandra!
Posted by: Lorianne | March 20, 2013 at 10:23 AM
Ten years more! Congratulations!
Posted by: NT | March 20, 2013 at 10:37 AM
Beth, you were one of the very first bloggers I 'met' online ten years ago and I have never ceased to be grateful for that encounter which has turned into a lasting friendship in real life, always strengthened by our cybernetic connection.
Congratulations for staying the course and for the committment, seriousness, acute sensibiity and talent which you pour into each post. You're an example to all!
Posted by: Natalie | March 20, 2013 at 11:06 AM
Lilian, thank you so much! Long may we write...
Jonathan, I will simply come across the room and give you a kiss instead of writing much...but I do want to thank you in public for putting up with my preoccupation with this blog for 10 long years, and waiting for me to finish "just a few more words" about a zillion times. And thank you too for helping me become a better photographer, and finding and giving me the best little cameras over the years, which have been indispensable tools for what I do here. Most of all, it has been our life together which has been the grist for this mill.
Rachel - I hope you know how much I value our friendship. Thanks for everything you say here, and I agree completely.
Lorianne - you are another of my oldest friends here, and have been party to many discussions about the "worth" of blogging - meanwhile, we've both just kept at it. Steady practice - which I've maintained better than my sitting meditation...what does that say??
NT - hi! It's good to hear from you today, since we also go back a long long way! You have often said exactly what I needed to hear, and have always encouraged me in my art as well as in the writing. Thank you, and here's to whatever lies ahead!
Posted by: Beth | March 20, 2013 at 11:15 AM
Kat,I remember when we met (through Chris Clarke) and how impressed I was with your own poetry and writing. I know that's taken a back seat to motherhood and homesteading for you, in my old neck of the woods, but you'll get back to it -- and I am glad to know you are still reading here! Thanks for commenting today!
Posted by: Beth | March 20, 2013 at 11:34 AM of my own comments seems to have disappeared! Will try to reconstruct...
Marja-Leena, as one of my oldest blogging friends, I appreciate our companionship and your steadiness as an art-blogger, who often inspires me. Thank you for being there, and for your kind words.
Dale, you and I also go back a long ways, sharing our love for epic poetry and meditation and many other things. Thank you for Mole, for your friendship, and for reading me for so long!
Roderick, I have no clear answers to your questions; blog response is an inexact science for sure. It does seem to be true that my most polished posts get less response than when I deliberately leave room for the reader to think and answer a question. Thank you for what you say here, and especially for caring about what I write about music - which is, as you know, very close to my heart, but a subject a lot of people feel shy about commenting upon.
Posted by: Beth | March 20, 2013 at 11:43 AM
Lucy, was it qarrtsiluni that brought us together, or mutual blog-friends? I don't remember. But I do know that yours is one of the blogs I always return to, and which always gives me a sense of beauty and peace. I hope we meet someday in person with time to talk and share more of what we have in common.
Vivian, thank you for noticing (characteristically) what others often don't and even I sometimes miss! The photo choice was intentional - I thought it did convey that contrast - but J. will post others that are less serious! I am so glad you love my blog, and that it gives us another way to communicate what's in our hearts.
Posted by: Beth | March 20, 2013 at 11:47 AM
Happy tenth, Cassandra Pages. I really appreciate what you do in this space, Beth. Thanks, too, to Jonathan for letting you write "just a few more words."
Posted by: Andrea | March 20, 2013 at 11:50 AM
Oh, Beth. I'm so pleased you're celebrating your 10th. You are an inspiration (and an internet friend).
Posted by: Jan | March 20, 2013 at 12:30 PM
Many congratulations, dear Beth, not just on having breached the 10-year mark, but on having maintained such a consistency of quality and richness in your posts. I regret having lost creative momentum during my own 10 years of blogging and as a part consequence losing readership. But you have sustained a wide circle of readers and responders throughout this dramatic decade and I'm a glad and grateful member of that constituency. I'm pleased and proud to have you as a good friend too and look forward very much to the next pint together (and with Jonathan and the London mini-swarm) in our favourite hostelry! Upwards and onwards into the next decade!
Posted by: Dick | March 20, 2013 at 01:20 PM
Wow, a comment from the mysterious and reclusive J.! This is a red-letter day. :)
Was it also the equinox ten years ago? For me, it was the winter solstice that somehow got me thinking of beginning a blog, but in 2003, I think they were both dark times. Fortunately, the cassandra pages has remained a beacon of sanity and engaged spirituality. Here's to many decades more!
Posted by: Dave Bonta | March 20, 2013 at 01:28 PM
Congratulations Beth. You are my inspiration, and reading your blog is always like coming home.
Posted by: Uma Gowrishankar | March 20, 2013 at 02:09 PM
Thank you so much, Andrea! And I'll pass along your message to J.!
Jan, thanks for being my friend, fellow photographer, and frequent commenter. I appreciate you and your own work and words very much indeed.
Dick - well, there's been a lot of water under the bridge, eh? Regardless of flagging inspiration, I am enormously glad to have shared your poetry and stories over these years. I too am grateful for your companionship and look forward to sharing that next pint!
Dave...well,, what can I say? You've probably been my closest and most consistent companion here, and the projects we've done together have been both fun and some of my proudest online collaborations. I hope we both manage to keep going for a while yet, and I'm quite curious what changes and developments the next 10 years will bring to the online world. I don't know if it was equinox in 2003, but I agree - it was dark. One's own life doesn't have to reflect the darkness of the exterior world, though, as I think we both believe.
Dear Uma! That makes me both happy and grateful. Thank you for being there too.
Posted by: Beth | March 20, 2013 at 02:21 PM
Congratulations on being the Cassandra to whom we listen.
Posted by: marly youmans | March 20, 2013 at 02:37 PM
Joining the chorus of celebrants. Though you started to blog on a dark day, your words and pictures have brought so much light these last 10 years in which to see the world anew. Thanks you for your work, dedication, and inspiration. Here's to the next 10 years!
Posted by: maria | March 20, 2013 at 04:27 PM
Wow, happy 10th, Beth! So glad The Cassandra Pages is still here! What a long strange trip, no? ;-)
Posted by: Leslee | March 20, 2013 at 06:43 PM