Via Bint Battuta, here is an article about the etymology of the word "cheese," in various European languages. Fascinating. And we even have two distinct linguistic strains: one deriving the Latin caseum (cheese) and the other from the Latin forma, or "form" (shape, mould.) Worth a look.
Wow, how interesting! And the site too - have it in my feed now to read more. Thanks, Beth!
Posted by: Marja-Leena | March 13, 2013 at 01:55 PM
I saw a living wall in Avignon, and another blogger saw one recently in Spain. I think the one you show is the most interesting and artistic.
I'm surprised that so many of the plants in your photos are not familiar to me, even though I am from California and live in Hawaii now.
Posted by: Hattie | March 16, 2013 at 04:31 AM