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April 01, 2013


:-) This just made me smile and smile, dear Beth!

Great story about the older gentleman asking you to dance. Wish I could see a photo of that.

Your description of the bus ride from the airport struck a chord. A couple of months ago the young cashier at my corner dépanneur told me how in China, where she's from, everyone wears bright colours in winter to stay "warm". Whereas here, she said, it seemed as if people just wanted to disappear in the winter, fading into blacks and browns. Later I got on the metro and realized that I was the only person, in a car of about three dozen people, not wearing black - my coat was dark brown. What a wake-up call! I love the vibrancy of the colours in your top photo, and feel so much warmer just reading about all the dancing. Thanks!

How beautiful. It really lifts my spirits, even if I am in the north.


What a wonderful, inspiring read your April 1 post is. Thank you so much.

I love this.

When J and I were in Seattle a few years ago, there was a park that had salsa dancing on the weekend, just like you describe. There were people walking through, and people sitting at tables and benches, and people dancing, all like it was absolutely normal and expected to dance outside on a Saturday afternoon.

WONDERFUL! You evoke the Mexican spirit so well. You would have loved the Easter processions we saw in San Miguel de Allende.

What a post, dear Beth. Thank you.

Wonderful post, Beth. I wholly agree....holy agreement! Joy is what moves me most deeply and that spontaneous, unselfconscious expression of it which is found everywhere in Latin America and other southern places always reminds me that life doesn't have to be grey/black/brown and cold. Dancing, singing, on the streets every day: yes!

I'd be singing in the snow here today, Natalie -- yech! The warmth and color must have something to do with people's sunny dispositions, but I think it is also a very different sense of community and connection with one another than most of us have in the north.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.