Studio Still Life, September 17, 2013
I've been walking past this scene for a couple of weeks, ever since I changed the pictures on the studio wall, but never really stopped to look at it until my friend V. visited yesterday. She immediately noticed the watercolor and asked if it was new. No, I told her, it's quite old, but I found it in the drawer and felt like putting it up, because it reminded me of fall, and my Vermont garden. Today when I went by I looked more closely, and decided what I really liked was the collection of colors and surfaces and shapes - those cool light greens and blues of the cloth and glass and jar label being echoed in the picture, and the browns and ochres of the wood and brush handles and ceramic pots, and the small touches of dark red here and there. It almost looks like...a painting!
It's much cooler here now: fall has really arrived. I wore gloves today for the morning bike ride, and was glad I had them. Now I'm going to go home a little early and make some pasta sauce. It's time for comfort food.
Beautiful still life, Beth. I love the painterly way that you think even about the unpainted scene before you.
Posted by: Rachel Barenblat | September 18, 2013 at 10:05 AM
Ooooh! I know one shouldn't envy, but couldn't I, just a little? That painting is so deliciously 'liquid'.
Posted by: Tom | September 19, 2013 at 09:27 AM
There is something about seeing a painting, or any other visual work, surrounded by the implements of the art. The image extends forwards and back-to its creation- at the same time. I love visiting studios and workrooms.
Posted by: Duchesse | September 19, 2013 at 05:07 PM
I like this very much. And the turn into fall where you are must be most welcome.
Posted by: Hattie | September 20, 2013 at 01:14 PM