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December 20, 2013



As are so many others, your December 20th entry is lovely. Thank you.

Joan Botta

Will you sing the Victoria O Magnum? I used to sing that with my madrigal ensemble; I still love it.

Your last paragraph is beautiful, and gives me a feeling of hope.

yes, tomorrow the days will grow longer.

on e night a long time ago on the longest night of the year i nearly froze to death on a mountaintop in the northeast kindgdom. it was seven and a half hours of pain i had previously thought unimaginable.

the anniversary of the day does not pass without remembering the EMT telling me "sorry about the bumpy ride, darlin', but we can't spare the ponies" the day does not pass without remembering the bitter pain, the steel grey of the sky at sunrise, the waiting game of
death versus the rescue.

tomorrow i'll go outside to play in the early morning and then stay in and make cookies and craft projects with a friend.

we have come to the growing of the light.

may the light grow within you.

I don't know what it is about this Christmas, but it feels different from anything I can remember. Perhaps it's a change in the weather patterns, more extremes, less predictability. Or maybe it's simply ongoing change inside me. I don't know. But it's all in the here and now, and to be experienced as it is.

Should this be the last communication between us before Christmas, may I wish you and your family the season's best. Stay warm and happy.

Lovely post, Beth, and the photos capture that wintry bleakness very well. I'm one of those people who don't find much in winter to appreciate, apart from lovely snow-landscapes seen from the window of a warm room. I share your sense of preferring simplicity to the stress of Christmas obligations but I wish I had your memories of traditional home Christmases. I hope the New Year will be good to you and Jonathan and I'll be thinking of you singing.

Thanks for this.The Friday before christmas is traditionally our drop in christmas party for neighbours,friends and clients.Its a full house all evening which frankly sometimes can be tiring and it would be difficult to put a game face on.I heard on The Friday CBC Tempo a portion of J.J. Ryba's Czech Christmas Mass which i had never heard before and i was much taken with it.I think partly because for me it had a european sound like some of the german christmas carols on records my parents played this time of year growing up.I was upstairs playing the czech music when the first guests started to arrive.The music gave me calm and renewed my spirit.I was a much better host

Of course, music puts you in a privileged position at Christmas but you've earned it and it's only right you should be uplifted by the combined effects of your faith and the delicious rectitude of the chromatic scale (and modes and twelve-tone stuff where necessary). In my previous novel I used choral participation in the Glagolitic Mass as a way towards the moral redemption of my much battered Judith. Fearful cheek on my part of course but it was felt - if only on behalf of my character.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.