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December 16, 2013


Busy! Busy! Busy! Enjoy the oratorio, and stay well and warm.

I grew up in Champaign, IL but the countryside is imprinted on my memory as well. My great uncle and aunt lived on a farm. I can still see it in my minds eye.

That first photo is so beautiful ... I love it! Jean

I love the first photo, too. So evocative.
How wonderful that you got to perform Messiah with Daniel Taylor!
Enjoy the more peaceful time now. I'm not quite there yet.

Thanks, all. I'm enjoying a quieter day today, after the big sing last night -- though the first order of business was to go out and restock the refrigerator with food!

Gosh, so I'd have had to choose between your legs and better acoustics. Your legs would have got my vote; I couldn't have condemned you to 2 hr 47 min (Just Googled; sounds a wee bit on the short side) but not to be heard at your peak, that's a rotten price to pay. I'm glad you raised the subject. Large places of worship are often far from ideal and there are too many people who've been bullied into believing that a hard, ringing acoustic added to a long-delay echo is how it should sound.

VR likes to listen to the Kings College carols/lessons festival but I find it painful when the congregation joins in. I know they should be allowed and I've enjoyed taking part in such events, but although 630 mph may seem fast (speed of sound at ground level I've been told; not confirmed by Wikipedia) the human ear is easily able to appreciate the time taken for sound to travel the 289 feet from one end of the chapel to the other. And since row by row, singers get closer and closer to the choir, the final blurring is hard to take. This despite the fact (I suppose) that sequenced microphones are supposed to compensate for distance.

I haven't heard of risers; is it a term generally used in eccclesiastical artefact?

It's Wednesday; you are basking in the glow of the concert, and relaxing! What evocative images of New York; they capture the sere beauty of this part of the country in deep winter.

And I am happy to hear your fathr's recovery is successful, in time for the events of the season.

Imagine being in the middle of The Messiah. I'm so jealous.Have a wonderful holiday season!

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.