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November 25, 2014


Thank you Beth. You may yet get me back into a church. Happy Thanksgiving, if you are celebrating the US version. If not, best wishes. Paul

An act of love is its own reward because it feels good inside to be kind and to care. It's that simple. Thanks for the reminder. I need to find a group like your's but it is hard for me because I'm such an isolationist. However, your thoughts here make me want to get up and out and involved in life.

It's the minutiae that help. The internal monologues (dialogues some would have it) of prayer, meditation and mere thought must necessarily be obscure; to the reader they are given reality by the visible detail. Privacy but privacy made sharper by the procedures and the surrounding things. The candle lighting, the sitting down and the standing up ( yes, we're in a church), the rug put away. How Eliot-ish those last four words.

The Christian rationale is beyond me but I understand cold, I wonder appalled at how one sleeps out-of-doors in Canada in winter, I despair at lives reduced to mechanical sequences because of addiction, I'm inappropriately amused by the instincts of a trained voice in the company of voices that are not trained. I fear that what you depict means more to me than what Fr. Rohr writes and I reflect irreverently on your references to flowers - an area of ignorance in my case but one that might have to be rectified if flowers are called for in the next piece of fiction I write. I daydream on the periphery of your event, an irrelevance but an observant irrelevance.

How many layers of clothes?

I love the notion of an I-Thou relationship with all animals and elements. (Professor Buber, meet Francis.)

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.