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December 29, 2016


Enjoyed those new images! And look forward to your production of Dave's book with your linocuts. As for the rest, I am single-minded about some things and feel that we change culture by adding to culture. And so, yes, do.

Best of New Years to you, Beth! I so love your work.

Bravo brava Beth, I'd vote for you! I can echo everything you've written in this post and can only add my love and deepest good wishes to you and Jonathan for the New Year. May it bring unexpected Hallelujahs to counteract the expected dissonant notes. xxxx

Love this, Beth – the cards, the persimmons, and the reminder that creativity itself is resistance. Happy New Year to you, and if you find yourself in VT as the year unfolds, drop a line! We have a lovely little tea house in town... <3

Loving the quince and Santa coloured pencil drawings. (Have you ever seen the illustrations of William Grill?) Best wishes, Beth.

Your comments are so close to what my mother used to say when I asked her how they dealt with the Great Depression: make things, make yourself useful, don't sink into despair. And I remind myself, that was a long period. Maybe that is why I find the Santa drawing so evocative. Your medallion linocut is before me as I write this and I am keeping it out past the holidays as a reminder.

Always such a pleasure to see your work. I hope you are having a happy and cozy holiday season in Montreal!

I love these glimpses into your life, dear Beth. What a busy and fruitful December it was for you. Happy new year and all good wishes for you and yours. Xo

Wonderful drawings and linocut.
Wish you a happy & creative New Year!

Godt nyttår from Norway!

Beautiful prints, drawings and thoughts! Happy New Year to you and Jonathan! Perhaps your next trip will be to the West Coast?

I've arrived rather late, I fear. But I had to respond to your headline: Creativity, Christmas and Politics.

I have a great deal of affection for the French cellist, Paul Tortelier, delighted that he was merely one cellist of several in his family and that the hallway of his Paris apartment was a great mess of cello cases and pedal bikes. His was the first recording of the Bach suites I acquired.

During a masterclass on BBC TV in the seventies he kept on breaking off, commenting on all manner of subjects, believing I suppose that musical dedication should not preclude other concerns. A very young Oriental girl student admitted she wasn't interested in politics "only the cello". With wit, charm and sympathy he took her to task for this in a wonderful aside: showing how playing the cello and politics were inextricably entangled and how short-sighted it was to live in an ivory tower. Europe could use more Torteliers at the moment.

I wish you strength in what may be a trying new year.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.