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December 10, 2016


Beth, such a beautiful, compassionate account, makes me all emotional. And a stunning fresco by Cavallini. If it was not so secretively housed and protected by those ancient nuns, it would probably have deteriorated by now via the tourist hordes and their hungry cameras.

You and Jonathan probably saw more (and more attentively) of Rome's not-so-well known treasures during your short stay than most people see in umpteen trips.

Beautiful.thanks for this

I don't know what is more remarkable, the images or the experience. These hidden spaces are the most memorable.

I noticed the word "crochet" a couple of times, knew what it referred to of course, but fancifully imagined an additional "t" thereby establishing an extremely tenuous link with music.

Had I been there I suspect I'd have been disappointed there was no further association other than the badly played organ; totally unjustified in my case, I admit. Nevertheless history says that she sang and although singing may have carried a good deal of different baggage in those days it is significant - even if history is fabricated - that the act of singing was accorded that level of importance. That it was thought to be synonymous with goodness.

Concentration on detail is what makes this post and I've read it several times. Thank you for that. My mind wandered and I remembered turning on the car radio coming home from French and hearing the last two or three minutes of a piece of choral music. I must have that, I told myself. In fact I bought two CDs one of which I gave to my French teacher who is presently ill and I worry about her.

The piece of music was Haydn's St Cecilia Mass.

A wonderful account -- the part of me that began to wonder why/how I'd never got myself to this church (after all, I was aware of Saint Cecilia as the "patron saint of music" from my first piano teacher, a nun, when I was only 5 or 6) was immediately silenced by the part that reminds me of how marvellously Rome holds treasures like this in numbers too great for any traveler ever to "master." But I'm chastened that I didn't know about the Blue Guide, grateful to you for referring to it so that I will add it to my Rome/Italy shelf. And grateful to you for adding so much to my vicarious and complementary storehouse of experiences and images of Rome -- if one person can never arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the Eternal City, we can at least cobble together a richer impression through sharing...

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.