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January 21, 2017


This is beautiful. Thank you for these photographs and for bearing witness. I wasn't able to march today; instead I led services, and gave a sermon that I hope spoke the truths I needed to say, and have spent the afternoon with my son being mom and cooking and doing laundry and refreshing all of my social media pages endlessly, cheered and heartened to see so many people around the world standing up. I know that the work ahead of us is vast -- but today I just needed a droplet of hope, and posts like this one are balm for my soul.

Thanks for sharing. It is hard to believe that our legacy project is to continue to fight even harder against the multiple injustices we have spent a lifetime trying to eliminate. Let's hope that the Trump debacle has galvanized and unified young and old alike who believe that the human project can be better than Trump and all that he represents.

I wish I had gone with you :(
(And I do love that slogan about brains.)

Yesterday, I read your blog post and was wondering myself if it was worth going to our march in Chicago. And I too slept very little. But I'd promised a friend we'd go together so I pulled myself out of bed and went. I've never been so happy I got myself going. In Chicago, the sun shone and the temperature climbed to about fifty degrees. From the time we boarded the elevated train in Oak Park there was a unique sense of warmth and solidarity. All ages--I was amazed at women who brought babies swaddled in snuggles. We marched and flooded the streets of Chicago so thoroughly that the actual march portion was called off. That didn't stop most of us, though, from crowding through the streets for hours to make the actual march. I'm tired, too, that we have to fight these fights all over again. But after today, I feel energized to begin the actual work of organizing and accomplishing things.

Great Post Beth, love reading that your experience was similar to ours in Seattle! Its just day 1, but its heartening to see how strong and global our team is.

Such a fine, beautiful record - thank you xx

Beautiful, Beth,

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.