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February 04, 2017


Very inspiring, once again :)

Oh, I need some of those goggles! Rented some on St. John's once and was thrilled to see a coral reef as more than a blur of colors... Swimming is one of those things where it's hard to hurt yourself. I broke a tiny something-or-other in my knee while lifting and daydreaming some years ago, so that taught me that I have to take into account my own nature more.

I have long adopted a Thoreauian stance that assumes we come to the news too often. Remember his townspeople portrayed as rushing up to the read the posted paper in the wake of the stagecoach? Our stagecoach arrives every minute, every second. I just don't run to meet it often. But then, I've always had an allergy to the political class, so I had no trouble following Thoreau. No doubt a lot of people would find that choice very wrong.... But I find that I'm up-to-date with the news without plunging in so often. You absorb a lot from others, and then you can go and look at a range of viewpoints now and then. It works for me.

You may get me back into the pool soon. Started swimming more often several years ago after a hip replacement. It was wonderful and I continued for quite a while after. I loved being able to swim, then go into the sauna. I never had trouble sleeping on those days. I'm going online for those googles--I have good ones, but not that good.

Having a hard time with the news as well. Trying mightily not to click on every email that asks for support. Otherwise, I just get lost in the deluge. When John got sick 8 years ago, swimming is what saved me, I think. It was the only time I could "turn off" my brain, my anxiety. I think Monday I'm hitting the pool again.

Bravo Beth, that's admirable and enviable and is sure to boost your spirits as well as your health. I wish I could overcome my aversion to swimming pools - I have a real phobia against chlorine, truly can't bear it. I'm not a good swimmer at all but I do love being in the sea (as long as it's not cold!) There's a public pool not far away in my neighbourhood, a perfectly good one, with a gym etc. attached. Sometimes I think of it. Then I don't.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.