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May 07, 2017


These are all lovely, but I love that magnolia. I don't know why exactly, but it really strikes me. Something about the sweetness and tattered-ness of it together. Do you think you might offer it for sale?

Really lovely, Beth. Had a bit of a trompe-l'oeuil moment; for a second I thought the hanging thing was your painting.

I love these.

So refreshing Beth! I admire your dedication!

The birch catkins are gorgeous... The magnolia bloom is something I see all over the ground.

Beautiful work, Beth! You might enjoy and be inspired by this book by Molly Peacock: The Paper Garden.

I love botanical drawings and paintings and think you have a great talent for this, Beth. Careful and precise, and also painterly and imbued with feeling - wonderful!

Hello, Marja-Leena - I've heard about that book before (maybe from you?) and then forgotten about it. Just ordered it as I'm very interested in both botanical art and 'late style'. Thank you xx

I hope you'll consider offering prints of these on your Etsy shop. I love them all, but magnolias are my favorite and yours is particularly striking.

Kat, thanks for being interested in that painting. I've decided to keep the group together until I have a body of work to show for a potential exhibition idea. Whether that works out or not, they'll be for sale eventually -- I'd say late summer? -- and I'll let you know. I appreciate it a lot! And maybe I'll take Martine up on her suggestion of offering prints for sale. I'm undecided about my online shop these days.

Andrea -- yes! I noticed that too!

Maria, Pascale, Gary -- thank you all for your appreciation and comments.

Marja-Leena -- I will look for that book, thank you so much for the suggestion!

Jean, thank you. Botanical art is tricky, don't you think? Some of it looks like medical illustration to me, but some does have real emotion. Obviously I want to go in the latter direction, but I'm feeling my way there.

Martine - thanks. As I said above, I'm not sure what I'm going to do on my Etsy shop, or how I feel about selling prints and cards, though I think they'd do better than the paintings. We'll see! I'm glad to know you like magnolias!

Love all of these, but esp. the birch bloom's delicacy and yes, lightness - and the magnolia evokes so much for me. Simultaneously sturdy and easily bruised, there it is, the sadness and loveliness of the whole mess.

This reminds me to go get a photo of a magnolia blossom I have in a vase, before it starts to fade.

I liked your exchange with Natalie under the post with the red bottle-brush tree blossom... And these feel related to that conversation. I especially love the grace of the paper birch catkins, and the way the magnolia blossom is about beauty and mutability and death.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.