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August 20, 2019


This works fine for me. Your blog is on my Blogger Reading List. Is that a feed reader?

Your drawings and paintings of Greece are beautiful, especially the ancient olive tree. I have not been to Greece but I grew up in Northern California. Olive trees thrive just north of where I lived. Greece is at the same latitude. The light and landscape are very similar to what I remember from my first 24 years. A Greek family lived a few houses away from ours and another Greek family a few blocks away and were part of a thriving Greek community on the San Francisco peninsula.

Thank you!

The blog looks great (browsing in Safari).

And I love that olive tree.

The blog change is great, though the comment field doesn’t respond to the screen size. But the paintings are purely gorgeous.

I love the paintings. I read the blog on a computer screen, not a phone screen. I try to go to your blog from my blog, in case you're tracking how people find you--but I like the Facebook notification that you've posted something new.

AM, thanks for the feedback and liking the artwork. This particular painting is from a Greek site on the southern coast of Sicily, but the light is just the same. I'm hoping to go back to Greece in the fall - we both just love it there.

Pascale, Thanks for the comment and feedback. Glad to know it's OK in Safari.

Thanks for the feedback on the blog changes, Peter, and for liking the paintings too!

Thanks, Kristin -- that's helpful! I really appreciate it that you keep reading here! I read your blog too, even though I rarely comment...

I usually read on Feedly, but clicked through to see the redesign. Looks OK on my laptop, in Firefow, though I find the main column a bit too wide for the type size for comfortable reading. More critically, the theme isn't responsive, so no one on a phone or even a tablet will be able to read without endlessly scrolling back and forth.

Wonderful watercolours Beth, Greece really inspired you. If you and Jon were to go to the island of Aegina (short ferry ride from Athens) one day during August, you would meet up with Minkey and Philip who have gone there regularly for about 30 years. I've been there twice. Lovely place and there's now a classical music festival every summer.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.