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July 28, 2020


That still life with fruit would be gorgeous as a needlepoint.

Beautiful! I love the fruit still life.

Love these Beth! Totally agree with your views on color. If I have on colorful clothing I am in a better mood...lifts your spirits. Especially with all we are dealing with we still have to try do things that make us feel good...even if it is just what we choose to wear! Your art is inspiring!!

Your work in color work definitely cheers me as it cheered you.

I turn to color in my life even more than I turn to music when I need something to sustain me, but the use of color in my art work didn't come until I was in my 30s.

When I went back to college at age 30 to complete my degree in English Literature and Studio Art, my drawing professor who drew only in black and white showed no interest in anything that I drew until I began working with some Rembrandt chalk pastels that had been given to me years before and had remained untouched because I had no idea how to use them. I brought them to his life drawing class one day and proceeded to make a drawing of the model using the vivid saturated colors of Rembrandt pastel palette. The professor raved about my drawings. He commented a few weeks later that my subject was not the model but color. In response, I did a black and white drawing using a photograph of Georgia O'Keeffe's head in the style I had developed using the chalk pastels. His comment was, "Obviously, she has nothing to say in black and white." I disagreed with him but titled the drawing "Nothing To Say In Black And White."

As for color in clothing, I try to wear clothing that does not draw attention to me in any way, although the flip-flops (we called them "thongs" when I was growing up in California in the 1950s and early 1960s) I wear are bright red on the top with a black sole, and wearing them makes me feel good.

The concept of "wandering" through my days is helping me. I set out to wander through each day the way I would set out on a long walk in a place I want to explore. No map. Freedom to go this way or that. Freedom of movement. Mental and emotional and spiritual freedom. That has been fruitful.

Thanks for asking.

Would you post your paint choices? I have just gotten out my watercolors to give it a try and have ordered a few. Half of my old tubes are solid and I might try to cut them apart to use.
I love the clarity of the fruit painting colors.

and I really like the turquoise blue in the still lifes.

The Transformative Power of Colour. And in real-life as we familiarly drove north from the scorchingly brilliant vineyards round Béziers (about 25 km from the Mediterranean), eventually into the darkness of the Channel Tunnel and out into grey old England. Colour reflecting our changing mood.

Oh, those colors! The purple of those plums, the blush on the pears -- I could almost taste them.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.