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September 21, 2020


Thank you for these thoughts and colors. Oh, those nasturtiams, so lovely. And so lovely the thoughts on their lives. These are difficult days and keeping our spirits well and hope alive is so essential. My work with four to five year olds has gone online and now there is the prospect of going back to school before it is safe. We are making art together and reading books and playing math games and meeting each others' bears, whales, turtles. If I can write and paint a little bit some days, that helps. And remove myself from the screen after the many hours on it, that helps. My eyes hurt at night and sometimes I dream in boxes. Being with some trees or seeing a hummingbird is good. And connection helps a lot. And a lot of that has to happen on the screen, but still it happens in the heart too. I am grateful for your inspiration. Thank you, Beth.

2020 is a difficult time indeed.Its all the same in Calcutta/Kolkata too. Solace now comes from within and without from friends,reading and knowing thyself, and writing and from your writings too. Your watercolors look beautiful a shift from your line drawings. Don't stop. Best wishes to tide over this period.

Vanessa, thank you so much for your kind comments, and for what you've written here and shared about your life. Everyone one of us is having to adapt to more screen time and new ways of connecting with others, as well as anxiety about what's next, and I particularly think of teachers and helpers of children like you. i hope you can continue to find little bits of time to make art or write, or be out in nature. Wishing you all the best in the weeks and months ahead.

Pinaki, it's lovely to hear from you and reminds me of how united we are across the world at this time. Thank you for following my blog and artwork, and I send you my best wishes too. Take good care, and keep up your own writing!

In bed during the early hours of the morning, one of the wakeful benefits of growing older. On several occasions I've managed to fashion as much as half a sonnet in my head (not necessarily a very good sonnet, you understand) under the influence of this somewhat intense tranquillity. And yes I recognise the contradiction in terms I've just expressed.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.