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March 20, 2021


"... But the light is returning to the north, and to our lives, as we begin to see a way out and a way forward ..."

Although it is only in recent years that I have left comments on your blog, your blog was one of the first that went on my blog roll all those years ago when I was introduced to blogging by a perceptive first cousin once removed. It was in 2005 that I began reading blogs and in December 2006 that I started my own blog. Just now, when I looked at the photo on your trial blog post for March 31, 2005, I was surprised to see how much you look the way I did from behind in 2005.

Thank you for your ongoing vision of real freedom and justice for all and for your drawings and paintings that celebrate the ever present moments of being.

I am so grateful for your voice, your art, your clearheaded vision, and your steadfastness. Happy blogiversary. I will always be grateful that the blogosphere brought us into each others' orbits.

We had our second jab last Friday. I imagined it would bring about a sense of relief. It has to our daughters who have worried a good deal about our being in our eighties, but for me little has changed.

I have no wish to add to add to that awful list you have compiled but the blackest of black clouds has not dispersed. In an election that was supposed to have brought comfort to the USA, half those who voted wished to see a tyrannical, amoral businessman back in power. This was not one of those distant tragedies you mention but a byproduct of the US's democratic system. At the very heart of the country's preferences. Half the US population is apparently ready to go down the same road German citizens (who could at least plead the aftermath of the Versailles Treaty as justification) went in the thirties.

All of a sudden the mid-term elections seem like tomorrow, and 2024 the week after next. Elections, which had been an unfailing machine for maintaining the principles of democracy, now threaten us. Also they turn out to be vulnerable to jerrymandering and corruption.

How we used to laugh at what went on in the so-called Banana Republics. That would never happen to us, we said. And time rolls on.

Beth, thanks once again for telling it like it is - sadly and infuriatingly 'like it is' is not only the same but even worse. For me too the anger is so intimately mixed with despair that I can't tell them apart. But there is a good anger, the kind that propels some people to initiate positive change, unlike the bad anger - propped up by guns and other weapons- which makes everything infinitely worse. Bravo for keeping your Cassandra alive and kicking all these years and YES, definitely publish her in book form! With your artwork included of course. In this post, I particularly love the black drawing of two flowers.

We've accelerated some of the themes touched on in your blog's first post. You read that sometimes. Two or three years ago, I read Sheldon Wolin's Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism. As I did, I thought: if he felt this way in 2008, what would he say about 2018? (He had died in the interim.) The wind and the whirlwind.

Congratulations on 18 years at it. It's so good to know we have your voice available to us. Three cheers for a book of the pandemic diary!

Beth, congratulations on 18 interesting years, and on making beauty like this in the midst of rather peculiar times. (And I loved your prior post with the terrarium--took me back to childhood.)

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.