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July 18, 2022


This is a moving reflection, and thank you for sharing it!

I loved reading this and empathise strongly with you Beth. My thoughts are with you, sending waves of love and serenity to you and Jonathan and to your father.

Thank you Beth. Agree this is very moving and reflects your feelings so well. We need to talk soon and catch up. Love to you all!

Thank you for this nuanced and resonant post. Ties contain an element of responsibility; the freedoms we seek when we set off from a home generations old may come to prove far less rewarding than the reverant stewardship of which you write.

A lovely expression of thoughts and feelings that are familiar to me -- some delightfully so and others harder to acknowledge and own. I do feel that being an only daughter is significant in our lives and (for me at least) in the ways we address our parents' and then our own diminishments.
Sending much love, G

Quel beau texte, honnête, touchant et bien senti. Hâte de vous voir tous les deux.

Dear Beth,
there are so many passages in this entry that I could just replace „central New York“ with “Corinthian Gulf“ and “Montreal” with “northern Germany” and it would express perfectly how I feel moving to and fro between my rural place of birth and the Northern European city I live.
Even though all these landscapes mentioned above are so different to each other, the inner landscapes they’ve created for you are so familiar to me.
Thank you, dear!
Much love, M. xo

Thank you Beth. I understand well the feelings you express about responsibilities, memories, and life in multiple settings -- chosen and inherited.

"Whatever is deepest in us remains, I think, and we must not give up on it -- not now, not ever."

Thank you for your honesty and the clarity, following which you come to this conclusion, Beth.

Oh, my. How I recognize it--the awareness that isolation looms for elderly parents who were once so vibrant. It hurts the heart. You see the spark that is in him--the toe tapping, his resilience in navigating a new living situation. My mother just moved to skilled nursing, too--two years after my dad's death. When I remind myself to be patient, I see how adaptable she actually is. You've captured that so well here.

Another beautiful reflection. And photograph. Thank you.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.