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December 22, 2022


Getting back to drawing feels good, doesn't it? Your drawings of your immediate surroundings continue to inspire me.

It's been unusually cold here in Northwest Washington State, with snow on the ground for about a week now. Today it is warming up and then freezing again, turning walking surfaces to treacherous ice. I've been enjoying watching a flock of Trumpeter Swans, a Bald Eagle and a Varied Thrush in the last few days. Staying home.

May these last days of 2022 be peaceful as we ready ourselves to enter a New Year of challenges and joys.

I like to look at your drawings for details I can marvel at with, "wow, how did she do that?" Your Christmas tree caught my eye. I'm fascinated by the judgment that decides whether to include a detail, leave it out or hint at it. And so I enjoyed the drawings. I wish you a very happy Christmas Sunday and all the prospects of a successful year to come!

The way you've got your friend's cup resting on the edge of the book made me wonder if it's symbolic in some way... at any rate it's visually audacious! And the shirts drawing is lovely too.
Here in snowy blowy Ottawa we two are hunkered down, having a minimalist Christmas, but even when you want it so, there are things to get done. I found some satisfaction in making a linocut card last week, a little winter scene with tree and hedge and lettering, turned out not bad, and Ian is saying "print more!"
I hope your ankle heals well, and wish you and Jonathan the very best. ~Andrea

Just checked into your blog after many days of not reading it. I waste too much time on instagram and am so happy to find you here still. So glad that you're finding happiness in your new place--the light looks lovely. I continue to marvel at your drawings. The drawing of the two old shirts hanging on the door is really lovely. Hope you are staying warm and continuing to find joy in the coming days.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.