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February 15, 2023


"However, there is one truth that believers and non-believers ought to be able to agree on, which is that human beings can either love one another or not; when we do, we are able to help one another in the midst of great tragedy, and when we don't, we not only create but compound enormous suffering."


My online 'handle' has been Aleppo for at least fifteen years. I think I chose it because of a travel book I read, its euphonious name and beautiful buildings (especially the citadel). When we visited Jordan in 2003 the yellow taxis in Amman were waiting to drive you to Damascus, and the temptation was strong to finally visit Syria and see all these wonderful places (although visas prevented it). And then it all went wrong, and I will never see that Aleppo. There is too much suffering in the world.

Aleppo always makes me think of the witch in Macbeth:
"Her husband's to Aleppo gone, master o' the Tiger". (Act I, scene iii)

Dear Huw,

You are certainly right that there is too much suffering in our world; the painfulness of this is a daily burden and yet we are so much more fortunate than so many. I wonder if a lot of us have a kind of survivors guilt, while many of our compatriots go about their lives as if nothing were wrong. The input from constant media is such a relatively new phenomenon, and for those of us who have had to adapt to this continual awareness of up-to-the-minute world news - most of it grim and detailed - there has to be a big psychological and even physical effect.

Im sorry you didnt get to Syria, and its interesting that you chose Aleppo as your handle -- the name really is beautiful and full of ancient mystery.

And Im also sorry that I havent written to you this year before this -- Im always so pleased to read your book list and see where we overlap, and dont, and to know there are other dedicated readers out there like you. This has been a hard year for me, and books have definitely been one of the great consolations. Im hopeful that things are looking up, and one of these days the snow will even retreat from Montreal!

all the best, always --


human beings can either love one another or not; when we do, we are able to help one another in the midst of great tragedy, and when we don't, we not only create but compound enormous suffering. - So true..

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.