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April 16, 2024


"Letting work go." I don't paint but I write, There is no intrinsic worth in the words; they are either stored on the hard disk or fed into a process which creates as many copies as I wish. The aim is, of course, dissemination but I find I don't have much talent for that. I make half-hearted stabs at publicity when I would prefer to be writing.

Once things were slightly different. With the typewriter I did end up with something that had great value - the typed MS - but only to me. And even then the uniqueness was vitiated in that grievous experience had taught me to make a carbon copy.

Also, the typed MS was the end-product of other typed versions, all of them imperfect according to my judgement. Theoretically I could have saved these and handed them out to those who had an interest in how prose develops. A very small audience indeed.

I seem to remember you have included in posts intermediate illustrations of paintings as WIP. But once you have progressed such works have only an electronic significance and /or instruction value to those interested in how art is produced. That said one of the greatest creative thrills I ever experienced (other than seeing, in Prague, rhe rehearsal/performance version of the score of one of LvB's symphonies) was the earlier draft of Eliot's Waste Land edited in pencil by Ezra Pound. At the British Museum. A genuine and highly valuable artefact. And such radical editing! Whole stanzas crossed out! Plus Eliot's honest admission that Pound was il miglior fabbro.

But you must sell your paintings. It is the logical conclusion of the creative urge. Cash may seem crass but it is one measure - however small and indirect - of ultimate value.

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Who was Cassandra?

  • In the Iliad, she is described as the loveliest of the daughters of Priam (King of Troy), and gifted with prophecy. The god Apollo loved her, but she spurned him. As a punishment, he decreed that no one would ever believe her. So when she told her fellow Trojans that the Greeks were hiding inside the wooden horse...well, you know what happened.