...to everyone who has left a comment or sent an email with condolences. I have appreciated every single one, and been reminded again and again how grateful I am for this online community and for the readers who come here. Your support and caring mean a great deal to me. I haven't been able to access my site or approve comments for nearly a week, and have been sorry not to be able to publish all the beautiful notes I received until now. My apologies to those whose comments didn't appear and seemed unacknowledged.
My mother's memorial service was on Wednesday, and now my husband and I are back in Montréal, where some blogger-friends are gathering this weekend: a wonderful antidote to some of the sadness and self-absorption of the past two weeks. I'm tired and still sad - and I know that grief will continue to visit me in waves, often unexpected ones, for a some time to come - and I don't feel like I have a lot of energy for either talking or writing. But, as my mother reminded me on several occasions, death is simply a part of life, and we have to carry on. She gave me such an example of strength, courage, and grace: I really have no choice but to try to emulate her.
Check back; I'm sure there will be some new posts and new photographs here pretty soon. And thank you all again.