A closed wooden door,/
face veiled by lace, with hair/
and beard of ivy/
Inspired by my months of writing micropoems (Jan 2011, April 2010, April 2009) and by Dave's Morning Porch, Jean's Trail Mix, Fiona's small stones, as well as by the ongoing work of the Urban Sketchers, I'm giving some thought to writing them more often and more intentionally, under the heading "The Micro City," but with a twist: some of the posts would be drawings of urban microcosms. I don't want to commit to keeping up another blog, and definitely not a daily one, and I don't want to divert my energy from this one. But I like the name and wonder if it might attract some readers who don't want to wade through the typically long posts that Cassandra is apt to write. I also like the focus on small observations in an urban environment; urban haiku, so to speak, is different at times from its nature-inspired parent but no less concentrated, and certainly doesn't need to be negative; there's abundant beauty and fascination in the city. I see it as a kind of poetic version of street photography that may encourage other city dwellers to look around themselves a bit more closely.
Part of my motivation is that we just got smartphones, which are actually little computers. With a couple of trips coming up, where I really don't want to take my laptop, I'd like to still post short messages and images. It's weird, typing on a tiny virtual keyboard, and will definitely keep my output down to 140 characters or less!
So far as micropoetry poetry/haiku readers on Twitter and FB go, I think these are different audiences from the blog; a discussion on Dave's FB page indicates that might be the case. Maybe it should be a shadow blog that extracts just the Micro City posts and keeps them in one place. Any thoughts or ideas?